Friday 21 October 2011

unit 68 Game Design

Unit 68 Game Design 

these are some mechanic sketechs drawn up with annotations discribing the games main mechanics as well as the 4 "classes" players are allowed to select and what there function is. 

Friday 23 September 2011

unit51 3d rendering

Basic rendering 
first i created some primiative shapes adding a variety of diffrent effects onto each via matriels each use diffrent textures opacitys and reflective propertys, this was followed by adding a texture for flooring and the sky. 
next i tried basic text creation and editing as well as utilising both artifical and natrual light styles.

this is a small landscape peace that was the result of experimenting with the landscape tool as well as the magnet tool 

with this model i used a tutorial to create the lava materiel creating the volcano itself with the landscape tool and then attaching the formula to the lava materiel to finish it off 

in this model i attempted to create a water surface using a custom materiel and attaching a formula module.

Monday 7 March 2011

Visual Language Exercise

                                                              Visual Language Exercise

This Picture was created for an exercise to create a picture depicting a bird attacking it's pray
but only using basic shapes to create the animals and scenes

this exercises allowed us to use depth and light with basic shapes for example in the picture above
because the is in the horizon objects like the buildings become lighter as the get further away.

This Exirsise envolved us creating a colour wheel
The Art Of The Book

Typography Hakiu Poems

                                                                     Typography Haiku Poems 

for one of the typographic tasks we had to research an independent Haiku poem  and create 4 different interpretations of the poem each time with a different lay out and focus on the message.
the task was assigned to allow us to experiment with different typographic values like size,colour
spacing and positioning and see how they effect the way  a message is conveyed threw typography aswell as the power of the message.

this was the first version were we kept the poem exactly the same only takeing the word we thought to have more of an impact and turning it into an italic to highlight or sharpen the message.

the second version focused on size and positioning and how it effects the message for example larger text could be presived as louder texts and smaller texts quieter.

the third version mixes the previous two as well as allowing us to add colour to the text and background and show how primarily colour can effect the way the message is prescived
for example text in red could be interpreted  as dangerous or negative

the fourth version of the poem is a  more experimental version it allowed us to use any of the previous methods and use numerous fonts, this version was more focused on overall presentation rather than one specific style.

Monday 14 February 2011

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion 
Optical illusions also know as visual illusions  are tricks of how your brain preseves information  transmitted from your eyes for example creating multiple sets of visual information that other wise put together would not make logical sense.

There are three main forms of optical illusions, 
The First is literal illusions that make images from object that would not normally create these images.
The Second Physiological ones that play on the extent of information taken in by the eyes and brain 
this can be created by different things such as light,motion or color.
The Third is Cognitive Illusions more widely  know as "mind games" playing on sub-conscious
information concluded by small amounts information for example the motion of few circles
back and forth into one postilion if done correctly could look like a figure walking because we would relate the shape and motion to the that of human motion even though  the image is just a handful of circles moving back and forth into one position.

This is a literal illusion as in a actual version of this the three circles spin in different directions and at different speeds creating false movements like the circles inside expanding were as there actually just spinning

This is an example of a "Mind game" similar to the example in the description of
physiological illusions, it simulates human movement
because our brain recognizes the shape and musle movment of a human however the illusion is merely created by a few well caculated circles moving in a repeated pattern.

This is an example of psychological illusion when animated the two colored pass threw the vertical black  lines creating the illusion that one Square  is slower than the other however a short interval takes away the black lines to reveal that both squares are traveling in synchronization, the illusion comes from the fact that your brain is trying to proses the information consequently one of the squares appears to be slower or faster than the other.

Monday 7 February 2011

Studies Of Advertisment and propaganda

many advertisements have both literal meanings as well has hidden messages both of which are created in the advertisement.

This advertisement's literal meaning  is evidential a group of fire men not responding to the obvious emergency situation which they are trained to deal with,
the hidden meaning within this is expected by the advertiser to be figured out by the viewer
as they expect you to conseve the same message but apply it to the situation of there company (the WWF
) sort of asking a moral question like the one displayed here asking if it would be accepted
if fire men just a let a fire burn in front of them following with the statement "you can't afford to be slow in emergency" this statement suggests to the viewer that there situation is an emergency.


this is an advertisement for Birm a brand of medicine
the literal meaning of this picture is shown in the glasses invulnerability and the hammer that struck it shattering  creating a role reversal as it would obviously be the other way around in a realistic
However the hidden meaning is linked to the liter one by the phrase "no disease can get to you"
 which suggest to the viewer that thr product will give you the invisibility to diseases just as the
glass to the hammer.