Monday 7 February 2011

Studies Of Advertisment and propaganda

many advertisements have both literal meanings as well has hidden messages both of which are created in the advertisement.

This advertisement's literal meaning  is evidential a group of fire men not responding to the obvious emergency situation which they are trained to deal with,
the hidden meaning within this is expected by the advertiser to be figured out by the viewer
as they expect you to conseve the same message but apply it to the situation of there company (the WWF
) sort of asking a moral question like the one displayed here asking if it would be accepted
if fire men just a let a fire burn in front of them following with the statement "you can't afford to be slow in emergency" this statement suggests to the viewer that there situation is an emergency.


this is an advertisement for Birm a brand of medicine
the literal meaning of this picture is shown in the glasses invulnerability and the hammer that struck it shattering  creating a role reversal as it would obviously be the other way around in a realistic
However the hidden meaning is linked to the liter one by the phrase "no disease can get to you"
 which suggest to the viewer that thr product will give you the invisibility to diseases just as the
glass to the hammer.

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