03 The Alphabet
the first alaphabet was used around 2000BC in ancient egypt during the bronze age it was the representation of the lungage developed by semetic workers around that time, today most alaphabets have been directly molded from this one for example the greek and phoenician alaphabets.
the proto-canaantine much like it Ancient Egyptian prototype only represents consonants in a system called abjad linknig ever alphabet ever used to phoenician script, the aramatic script adopted as the official script of the persian empire is the bases of all modernised alphabets in asia.
The Greeks
The Greek alpha adoptied phoenician lettering and became the sole source of all europeian lungages
the greek alphabet is also thought to be the first real modern alphabet as it exchanges cosnotants for vowels.
the literal meaning of this mosaic could be to describe something relating in context to the location it is in ,Greek mosaics were used to tell stories and depict the gods themselfs.
The Romans
several hundred years later the romans adoptied the greek wrighting and lungage and refined and modfied it creating several diffrent styles for diffrent purposes like creating formal and informal types for important and less signifiacant documentations,additionally the roman stonemasons used to hook
the letters to stop there chisels from slipping not only was this effective but also seemed to be aestheticly pleasing.
they also created the "baseline" a tool in typorgaphy were the letters sit on a line which allows it to become perfectly alligened and there fore more more aestheic and easier to depict.
the literall meaning could be the documentation of dates or historical events as it also includes several roman numeirals within the text
Roman chiselings were used for documentations for a variety of purposes.
The romans also largely developed books and creating informal handwrighting styles
these books were known from there Greek name a "Codex"(literally meaning block of wood or book in greek) these codices were a large change from there predesseors which were scrolls , the codex had many advantages over the scroll firstly they could be open flat on any page ,secondly they could be wrote in recto and verso formats and lastely the covers gave trhem versitiality and protection
for these reasons codexs were used from there on all the up threw the middle ages.
This codex is a roman codex it seems to tell a story or could be a historical documentations
as most roman codieses did ,this had been transferd from the earlyer greek codises which achived
a similar culturall use.
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